"When I was a child, all I wanted was to be around horses. I wanted to ride them, watch them, smell them. I wanted to know everything about horses. I also wanted to paint, to be an artist. Decades later, it’s still all that I want to do.
I’m enthralled by horses. Their strength, their grace, their beauty— the sheer joy expressed through their movement sends me reeling. This is why I use the visage of the horse as my gateway to deeper meaning.
It’s a mystery to me why the horse lends itself to my search for understanding, but it does. Through these animals, I have learned to be a much better human being. They’ve taught me patience, given me lessons about life and death, lead me through grief, and are a constant reminder to stay present and to delight in this miracle of a world.
The expression of my gratitude and love — the asking of unending questions through brush and color — gives me boundless joy and the deepest satisfaction.
I hope that you enjoy my art and that it takes you to a place of wonder and joy."